The myth that wouldn’t die!

Civilizations do not clash, they make love.. ; )

Ghassan F. AbulGhanam

Clash of Civilizations

The myth that wouldn’t die!


Diversity is the melody of creation. From the ornate intricacies of the microcosm to the vast wonders of the universe, diversity is the order of the day.  “Our use of the word “diversity” primarily to address issues of racism, classism, sexism, and other oppressive isms has blinded us to the fact that diversity is a vast fact of life, deeply embedded not only in humanity but in natural systems and in the very fabric of the universe,according to the Co-Intelligence Institute.  “As is freedom. Uniqueness is the inside face of diversity. If I want to ‘be myself’ and ‘do things my way,’ I have to live in a culture that respects diversity. The more free a society, the more diversity it tends to generate. And that diversity tends to beget even more diversity as diverse people, stimulated by…

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